Thank you for choosing The Cantlin Law Firm. Below you will find some forms to fill out before your appointment.
Download our Estate Planning Worksheet by clicking below:
Fill Out Our New Client Form

We’re here to help answer your questions. Judicial matters can be complicated, our experts are on hand to help inform you of every aspect regarding your topic.
The following are some of our frequently asked questions and answers.
If you have an estate administrative appointment, we have provided a Client Intake Sheet located in our Firm Overview tab. Please bring the completed Client Intake Sheet and the original will of the decedent, the death certificate, any banking or financial information available, and a real estate tax bill.
If you have an appointment regarding a DUI, we have provided a Client Intake Sheet located in our Firm Overview tab. Please bring the completed Client Intake Sheet and bring in copies of all the tickets you received, your Notice of Summary Suspension/Revocation, your Warning to Motorist, and any other documents you have relating to the matter.
If you have an appointment regarding a misdemeanor charge, we have provided a Client Intake Sheet located in our Firm Overview tab. Please bring the completed Client Intake Sheet and the Complaint, Notice to Appear, the Criminal Information, and any other documents that may relate to the charge.
If you have an Estate Planning appointment, we have provided an Estate Planning Worksheet located in our Firm Overview tab. Please have the first page completed prior to your appointment and fill in, to the best of your ability, the rest of the worksheet. When reviewing the form consider the following items: Who do you want to manage your estate once you pass away? If you have minor children who do you want to watch over them if you pass away? If you become ill during your life and can no longer make decisions for yourself, who do you trust to handle your property? Who do you trust to make your health care decisions? What property do you own? Do you know how this property is owned? When you pass away, how do you want your property to be divided? The pass code to this form will be provided upon the scheduling of an appointment with our firm.